Migrate Actions from Node.js 12 and 16 to Node.js 18

Node 18 is now available, in support of our commitment to supporting all future Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of Node.js via Actions. We strongly encourage that all customers transition to Node 18 at their earliest convenience.

Please note that previous versions of Node.js (specifically Node 12 and Node 16) have surpassed their maintenance periods. Continued use of these versions may pose certain risks, and we therefore recommend upgrading to Node 18 promptly.

Our recommendations

Node.js 18 is generally available (GA) across our entire suite of extensibility offerings. This includes Actions, Rules, Hooks, Database Scripts, and Custom Social Connections. We strongly encourage everyone to update to Node 18 as soon as possible to adhere to best code security practices.

Customers Using Should Task
Node 16/12 Update to Node 18 To use new Node 18, create new Actions with Node 18 or update existing Actions by creating and deploying a new version.
Node 18 Beta in Actions Update to Node 18 To switch to Node 18 GA, simply update existing Actions by creating and deploying a new version.
Oracle Stop usage Remove service.
Node.js C# Stop usage Remove service.
Magic npm Modules Make sure all node modules are added as dependencies on the Actions that use them. Add as dependencies on the Actions that use them.
Miscellaneous system binaries or programs Stop usage Remove binaries because most of them will become unavailable.
Filesystem write access Stop writing files to /tmp from the different extensibility products. Remove service.

Move to Actions

Actions is designed to support multiple versions of Node concurrently, and now supports Node 12, Node 16, and Node 18. In addition, no-code Actions integrations follow industry-standard "always current" version control with minor versions updated automatically. The underlying code remains current to the latest LTS Node.js. We encourage all customers move to Actions.


These task are only required if you want to use the Node 18 version.

Create new Actions with Node 18

Customers can start using Node 18 by creating new Actions with Node 18:

  1. Navigate to Actions > Library, and select Build Custom.

  2. For Runtime, select Node 18.

  3. Write your custom Actions in Node 18, test, and deploy when ready.

Choose Node 18 for other extensibility products

Update other extensibility products in Auth0 Dashboard.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Advanced.

  2. Scroll down to Extensibility.

  3. For Runtime, select Node 18.

Upgrade existing Actions

Existing Actions built on Node 16 can be upgraded to Node 18 and later reverted to a previous version on Node 16 if needed. Upgrade Actions to Node 18 by creating and deploying a new version set to use Node 18 as the runtime.

Migrate Rules and Hooks to Actions

Wherever possible, migrate Rules and Hooks to Actions. To determine which Rules and Hooks can be migrated, read Actions Limitations. To learn how to migrate your Rules and Hooks to Actions, see our guides available at Migrate to Actions.

Breaking changes

While there should be no significant breaking changes as a part of the Actions Node 18, please follow our recommendations for using Node 18.